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Cubbies is a two-year preschool program which celebrates the spiritual potential of preschoolers (3- to 5- year-olds) by helping them develop respect for God, His Son and His Word. Cubbies is unique because it supports parents as the primary source of spiritual nurturing. By working directly with their child on the weekly handbook lessons, parents become active participants in their child's spiritual development. Along the way, unsaved parents with kids in the program are introduced to God and His plan of salvation.


Apple Acres Entrance Booklet

Newcomers to Cubbies are taken through an introductory booklet that gives parents and children a brief overview of the program and presents God’s plan of salvation at a preschooler’s level. After completion of the sections, they receive a handbook and vest.



The Cubbies curriculum features two handbooks, AppleSeed and HoneyComb, which are written in a fun, storybook style with read-aloud stories and lovable characters that appeal to preschoolers. These handbooks combine basic Scripture memory with parent-child activities to help Cubbies grasp simple biblical truths. Each Cubbies handbook contains a helpful review CD to use at home. Each week a section is assigned and clubbers work at the same pace through the same handbook. One handbook is completed in a club year. Each handbook contains 26 Bear Hug sections along with four special-day sections.



Vest and Awards

Trail Emblems: Cubbies receive the AppleSeed Trail emblem for completing the AppleSeed Trail or the HoneyComb Trail emblem for completing the HoneyComb Trail. Trails are at the beginning of each handbook.

Green and Red Apple Achievement Emblems: Cubbies earn four green apple emblems and four red apple emblems during the year. Achievement emblems for the Apple Acres entrance booklet and AppleSeed handbook complete the letter "A" on the vest and achievement emblems for the HoneyComb handbook complete the letter "C". (See the handbooks for patch and award placement.)

Year-end Awards: Cubbies receive either the AppleSeed or the HoneyComb Book Award Ribbons for completion of the handbooks.



Parents are an active and integral part of the Cubbies program. Each week they read their clubber the story in the handbook and help them memorize the Scripture. Leaders are encouraged to remind Cubbies of the story for the week and its main points during the first segment of the night.


For more information about Cubbies, please see the Awana website:


We are a gathering of believers who share in the goal of evangelism and discipleship. Awana is a world-wide nonprofit ministry focused on providing Bible-based evangelism and discipleship solutions for ages 2-18. Awana gives children the opportunity to know, love and serve Jesus, no matter their background.


3711 E Chattaroy Rd, PO Box 59

Chattaroy, WA 99003


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