Trek is a three-year program for 7th-9th graders and surveys the New Testament scriptures. The curriculum challenges students to wrestle with the three most important questions they’re asking in middle school:
Who am I?
Why am I here?
Who’s with me?
By allowing students to dive deep into the Scriptures and answer these questions for themselves we allow them to own their faith and discover what they actually believe. Leaders shepherd students and mentor them in the truths of God's word.
Trek Check
The Trek Check is the beginning for all first time attenders. Students start each year with this booklet that clearly explains the salvation message and outlines Gospel truths.
There are 3 handbooks in the Trek curriculum and you can find their scope and sequence at the following links:
All Trek clubbers will be going through the same book in a year and do not progress past the book intended for that year.
Bible Readings and Summaries: Throughout the Trek curriculum the students will be reading the entire new testament and providing personal summaries of each book in the New Testament. This helps ensure they read all of the NT, taking in it's rich teaching and helping to cement what they are being taught as they further form answers to the questions they are asking at this crucial and formative age.
Which Book Are They In?
Children can join the Trek club at any time. When a child joins Trek for the first time (any grade: 7th - 9th), they first complete Trek Check then on to the handbook for the year and progress from there. Clubbers completing both the Trek Check and Handbook before the end of the year can then complete any of the remaining extra credit sections not previously completed.
Year-end Handbook Completion Awards
One book: Alpha Award
Two books: Excellence Award
Three books: Challenge Award
Four books: Timothy Award
Five books: Milestone Award
Six books: Meritorious Award
For more information about Trek, please see the Awana website: